Sunday, March 22, 2009


This weekend me and my family went up to by birthplace in Oklahoma. That's right internet predators. I'm not telling you the town. You can't rape me. Anyways, I'm sitting here at my mom's (soon to be mine) laptop, writing to you guys and assuming you will take time out of your lives to get on the internet and read my blog. It's my grandparents fiftieth anniversary, and apparently it's pretty important. I don't know. We're throwing a big party and everything, and, oh yeah, I forgot. I get to play trumpet tomorrow at my grandma's church. Fun. F-U-N. I hope you caught the sarcasm. I'm playing some frilly hymn by Phil Driscoll called In the Garden. Well, due to the fact that I ran out of transition words, I'm going to start this sentence with an extra-long run on. Well, hope all goes well. Austin out.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Standardized Testing: The Bane of Our Existance

Ok. So. I took the SAT today and it totally sucked. And if there was a better word to describe the pain I went through today I would totally use it. Unfortunately, I can not think of a word right now, due to the fact that every brain cell in my brain is either on the ground dead or twitching (metaphorically of course). I really don't understand how the College Board® (you like the symbol?) or whoever controls this testing "utopia" thinks that this is a test of our knowledge. Let's put a bunch of bored teenagers in a classroom on a Saturday morning for five hours with questions that challenge your sanity instead of your knowledge. And on top of all that, they made us write a statement in cursive saying we wouldn't talk about it! I honestly don't remember how to write in cursive. I had to ask the TA (that's Test Administrator, for those who aren't up to date with testing lingo) how to do an 'f' in cursive. Anyways, now that I've got that out of my system, I'm going to go eat some pie.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Yo! I Don't Know What to Put Here

So this is my first post, and I have to say, I have no freaking idea what I'm doing. But, hey, it's a blog. I hope you'll understand. And I say "you" because I'm assuming one of the six billion people on the planet will read this. So, enjoy. Seriously. Enjoy.